Bulk Tipper Transport

Delivering reliable service in quarry products and bulk transport...


Our company has taken all the necessary steps to establish management systems, business structures and operational facilities, which are a testament to our integrity and reliability as a trading partner within our industry sector, all of which supports our reputation.

  1. Accredited to the N.S.W. Roads and Traffic Authority National Heavy Vehicle
  2. Accreditation System (N.H.V.R.) – Maintenance and Mass Modules.
  3. Accreditation to the Truck Safe Scheme
  4. Fatigue Management

Camsons has a Camsons Enterprise Agreement in place (CEA). Several agreements have been in place since 1994 and have undergone regular updates in negotiation with our company drivers and The Transport Workers Union (T.W.U.).

Our CEA recognises and rewards the skill and responsibility of each heavy vehicle driver employed by Camsons, and the responsibilities and commitment that Camsons have to their employees.

Driver Training

Our drivers are an integral part of our organisation; hence great importance is placed upon their training. We currently have long term drivers who have been employed by Camsons for over 25 years.

All Camsons heavy vehicle drivers are inducted through our internal program, which includes any site-specific situations, site inductions and special customer requirements, incorporating training in Company Policy and Procedures, inclusinve of their OHS&E obligations, daily checking of the vehicle they are in control of, their responsibilities to other road users, their responsibilities, the environment and Customer Service.

All drivers are assessed prior to being offered an opportunity to work at Camsons. Following the initial assessment our driver assessor maps out and discusses any ongoing training with the driver and our drivers Supervisor. Continued training is supported by our qualified driver trainers.

  1. All the drivers are issued and trained in the use of P.P.E. as required by O.H.S. regulations.

2. Site inductions are carried out as per each site requirements and records updated accordingly.